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In this very 21st century, any intelligent person would suggest that religion implies some absurd rules, talks about subjugating women, snatching vocal freedom, etc. But let us ponder upon the statistics, shall we? Of the total population of the world, which is about 7.7 billion in total, about 7.1 billion follow any of the concurrent religions. The four major religions – Christianity, Islam, Hinduism, Buddhism hold these 7.1 billion populations. Even majority of the atheistic or agnostic people of the World do not wish that their children would be given education by the so-called modern lecturers of the world, rather they also try to stick to the education given by the religious institutions because the western world has realized after the breakdown of their family system that the religious teachings, the Word of God is the only solution to their problems. But why are there so many religions in this world then? Does God’s Word change with time? The answer is clearly NO. As the great mystical poet, Maulana Jalaluddin Rumi states, “The lamps are different, but the light is the same.” And thus, the main reason for being so many religions is the ignorance of people. As they weren’t ready to accept the truth and tried to follow their predecessors. The renowned George Bernard Shaw says, “There is only one religion though there are many versions of it.” And we, the Muslims believe and know hereby that Islam is the latest version of the religions to have ever come to this world.
Islam: The complete code of life
What does Islam mean? Now stop thinking about Osama Bin Laden or
ISIS and watch the video given:
Let us go to the deeper discussion taking the word 'Islam' into consideration. The
word Islam, according to Wikipedia is a verbal noun originating from the trilateral root S-L-M which forms a large class of words
mostly relating to concepts of wholeness, submission, safeness, and peace. Wait
Wait Wait, Am I mad or something? PEACE! They are TERRORISTS man! To the real
fact, they are not. In fact, Islam is the only religion to clearly declare
terrorism being Haram. As Allah says in the Holy Quran,
“Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of
Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in
the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one -
it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly
come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout
the land, were transgressors.” (Surah Mayeeda:32)
In this very ayah, Allah makes it clear that terrorism is
completely forbidden in the light of Islam. Now for those who claim Islam to be
a terrorist religion should go through the Quran first before judging Islam by
ISIS or Osama. In fact, Islam is such a religion where God gives the first
commandment about acquiring knowledge saying, “Iqra Bismi Rabbi Kal Lazi Khalaq”
Meaning: Read (Proclaim) in the name of your Lord, Who Created.
Who invented Islam?
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Medinah - The City of Prophet Muhammad |
Actually, Islam was there from the very beginning of civilization as the basic message of all the prophets was the same. They all
thought about Tawhid (Monotheism), which is the basic foundation of Islam. It
can be said that Allah fulfilled Islam through the last and best prophet Hazrat
Muhammad (Sm.) by revealing Al-Quran to him (Sm.). Allah says in Surah Mayeda,
Verse no. 03,
“This day I have perfected for you your religion and completed My favor upon you and have approved for you Islam as religion.”
Hazrat Muhammad (Sm.) preached Islam throughout 23 years of his (Sm.) life. It was his (Sm.) magical character that turned half of the world in the shade of Islam. It was him who brought into existence billions of Muslims all over the world today!
The Islamic Shariah
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Iman, Salat, Sawm, Zakat, Hajj |
Islam has obviously some basic rules and it is the most practicing religion in this whole world. It is based on five pillars – Iman, Salah, Sawm, Hajj, Zakat. Among these, the first one is based on the mind completely, the next two are dependent on the body and the last two require a necessary amount of wealth. Iman is the basic foundation of Islam which implies giving testimony that “La Ilaha Illallahu Muhammadur Rasulullah” meaning “There is no God but Allah and Muhammad (Sm.) is His messenger”. The Salah is one of the most magnificent exercise one can ever workout. Regarding Saum (Fasting), it increases our endurance. Hajj is a reunion and Zakat is the end of the poverty of the poor people if paid properly.
Besides these pillars, Islam also has some must-to-do things and well-to-do things which are regarded as Farz, Wajib, Sunnat, Mustahab, etc. Islam also tells us what is permitted (Halal) and what is forbidden (Haram). Basically, this chapter is very vast so I need to discuss it further in single posts and I will do that Inshallah!
How can one convert to Islam?

Muhammad Ali (Convert)

The Kalima Tayyiba is the main base of Islam and when you give testimony to it, it becomes Kalima-e-Shahadat which says: “Ash Hadu Allah Ilaha Illallahu Wah Dahu La Sharika Lahu Wa Ash Hadu Anna Muhammadan Abduhu Wa Rasuluhu” Meaning: I bear witness that there is none worthy of worship except for Allah, the One alone, without partner, and I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and Messenger.
By uttering the above-mentioned verse, you can revert back to Islam because we believe as our prophet (Sm.) said that all the babies are born Muslims. When he/she grows up, the surroundings force him/her to be what they are. So, basically what you need to do is uttering Kalima Shahadah and performing deeds according to the Islamic Shariah. Then Alhamdulillah! You became one of the vast 1.8 billion.
We all know that there have been many misconceptions regarding Islam till this 21st century which took a new turn after 9/11. Inshallah I will talk about that topic too if God wishes. By this time, I will continue to give you all Dawa’ah (Invitation) to the way of Truth through a logical approach. If you got any queries about religion, feel free to ask us. The Email address is given above. May Allah guide us to the path of salvation. AMEN!

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